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    Toni Morrison, dressed in a silvery sweater and pearls that matched her coiled gray hair, mounted the stairs to the stage with difficulty. (“Did you see me walk?” she said, out of breath, “You don’t appreciate it because you haven’t been in a wheelchair.”) She introduced Maya Angelou, who received the Literarian Award for Outstanding Service to the American Literary Community, and spoke of Angelou’s compassion and magnetism: “She doesn’t summon envy, that routine put-down that artists are accustomed to. She inspires delight.… My son died one Christmas and the very first non-family voice I heard on the phone was Maya’s.” She talked of the art that Angelou made out of her traumatic early life, and how she liberated many black women to write about their experiences without the “sanctions” of the “white, male gaze.” Angelou herself was seated in a wheelchair, wearing a black-lace dress, gold bangles, and shades. She smiled radiantly, thanked the audience over and over again, and, at one point, burst into song: “When it looks like the sun will not shine anymore, God put a rainbow in the clouds.” (In the clouds, not the sky, she explained, because clouds seem more relentless.) “Easy reading is damn hard writing,” she said, to collective hoots.