How much is a First Class stamp? ">quick hit slot machine tricks Labour dismissed the Tory attack. Sources said the 3 million cited by the Tories covered all courts summons across all income groups ??? 27 million council tax payers. The Labour figures solely considered 2.6 million poorer people.Labour acknowledges that the highest number of courts summons will have occurred in councils under its control. But it says that Labour councils cover areas with higher levels of deprivation. The cuts in central government grants have hit Labour areas harder. West Oxfordshire Council, which covers Cameron's Witney constituency, has seen its grant increase by 1%. Leeds, where Benn sits as an MP, has seent its grant cut by 5.6% in the last year. ">sigma video slot machine It was a wedding fit for a fairytale! Social media genius Sean Parker, who created Napster and was a founding president of Facebook en route to amassing a $2 billion fortune, permanently friended Alexandra Helen Lenas on June 1. Parker and his bride tied the knot in front of 300 close friends and family members in what one Parker associate described as a "romantic, magical" setting in a forest behind the Ventana Inn in Big Sur. "It was almost out of a fairy tale," another attendee gushed.