• [2250] Mia 2015/04/16 00:54

    This is your employment contract furadantin nitrofurantoin oral suspension US All President Karzai found out about President Obama's Secret Negotiations with the Fundamentalist Islamic Taliban at Germany 2010. To cover this up President Obama's Political Appointees start to say, "Karzai Corrupt". Regardless, of President Karzai demanding US Investigations of President Obama's Political Appointees spending Billions USDs (of US Citizens Money) with Nothing being Build nor Done, the people of Afghanistan placing pressure on President Karzai. The General McChrystal Investigations (started) and General Petraeus Investigations (completed General McChrystal's Investigations) indicated that President Obama's Political Appointees could not account for the Billions USDs. President Obama demands that his Political Appointees resign after President Obama destroyed US Ally President Karzai's reputation (a Strategic Gain for the Fundamentalist Islamic Taliban), destroyed General McChrystal, and made a deal with General Petraeus to become his Director of the CIA.
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